COCA Millstone Gallery 6-18-14 by ProPhotoSTL-0870 edit2.jpg

Ofrenda/ I Remember Everything (Installation from the exhibit ‘Breathe’, 2014)

mixed media, 2014

72” x 60” x 31”


I Remember Everything is an altar to everyone who has cared deeply for someone else. Guests are invited to turn the wheel, crank the music, or take a slip of paper and write down a strong, tender, painful, or joyful memory about a loved one. Take a push-pin from the cup and tack your memory to the altar.

COCA Millstone Gallery 6-18-14 by ProPhotoSTL-0915.jpg
COCA Millstone Gallery 6-18-14 by ProPhotoSTL-0921.jpg
COCA Millstone Gallery 6-18-14 by ProPhotoSTL-0927.jpg
COCA Millstone Gallery 6-18-14 by ProPhotoSTL-1076.jpg
COCA Millstone Gallery 6-18-14 by ProPhotoSTL-0934.jpg
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COCA Millstone Gallery 6-18-14 by ProPhotoSTL-0937.jpg